RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Charley Hoffman

Quick Quotes

Q. All in all, considering everything, pretty good day. How nice is it to finish with an under par round with the that's weather coming in?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: Yeah, the first nine holes I made a couple good putts. The second nine I missed a couple close ones. Early in the round I made some nice birdie putts, it just feels good, had good speed going.

Q. How do you feel about your round?
CHARLEY HOFFMAN: I got off to a great start. Anytime you can make some birdies out here it's good. I feel good. If you would have said at the start of the day, blowing 15, 20, with a chance of rain, that I shot under par, but I would have like to get more out of it. This morning it was okay. I mean it's hard to play. It's hard to make four or five footers, 6 footers, it's tricky, keeping the ball below the trees. I got off to a great start. Made some birdies out here. It's tough coming down the stretch.

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Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 15:57:00 GMT

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