RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Emiliano Grillo

Quick Quotes

Q. What an exciting day. The start at the 5th hole, the par 5 from 254, describe the shot to put it in the hole for the double eagle for you?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Yeah, it was a perfect shot. Perfect distance. Perfect everything. Perfect wind. It was one of those that was good, but you never expect it to go in.

Q. But especially on a day like today, where the wind is up, it's down, it's strong, sometimes it's very strong and you're able to hole a shot from 254. That jump started your round and got you up at the top of the leaderboard.
EMILIANO GRILLO: Yeah, it's one of those things that's great. You're trying to make 4 and you get 2. It's one of those that you always look forward to.

Q. How great a finish was it on 9, here? Your second shot takes a bounce and goes off it to the right but then you take the putter from off the green and roll it in from 22 feet away for birdie to get to 7-under?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Yeah, there's a couple coming in on 6 and then on 8.

Q. Some people wait their entire lives to have one albatross, you just had your second career on No. 5. The emotions and the aftermath?
EMILIANO GRILLO: It was huge. It's one of those that's great. It was a perfect shot. Again, I didn't expect -- I expected it to be close, but it went in.

Q. A lot of highlights for you on your closing nine, which is actually the back nine here. The next hole you hit it to five feet with the driver and then you close with that remarkable birdie at the last. How much momentum does that give you going into the weekend doing what you did at 9 after having so much trouble off the tee?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Definitely. It was one of those that I didn't expect to make. I was trying to post a 4, post a great round under windy conditions and just going into the weekend that's definitely going to give me a little bump for tomorrow.

Q. There's a good chance the guys going out this afternoon will not be able to do what you did early. Now you get to watch it. How nice is that?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Definitely. I thought it was a little bit unfair because they're going to have rain, and they're not going to be able to play probably with the thunderstorms. Hopefully they'll be able to play under the same conditions that we did.

Q. (No microphone.)
EMILIANO GRILLO: It was hard. It was a tough start. Couple of missed on 10 and 11, followed with two bogeys. Missed a very short putt on 12. It was uphill from there. Kept the ball in front of me all day. I was very lucky on 15. Great shot on the 5th hole. That definitely helps anybody's round.

Q. (No microphone.)
EMILIANO GRILLO: I'm trying to make a 4 from there. You've got to get through there and the ball could go with a lot of speed and go past the hole. But it was a perfect putt and likely catch the flag and went in.

Q. How would you describe second round play with these conditions?
EMILIANO GRILLO: Oh, it was very tough. It's very tricky, because there's so many holes you're playing through the trees that you feel like the wind is into you or it's downwind. The wind feels coming from different places and sometimes it's not as strong through the trees. It's very difficult judging it.

Q. What about the shot on 5, best shot of the tournament so far?
EMILIANO GRILLO: It was perfect. It was perfect distance. Perfect wind. It went in I think perfectly. It was one of those that I'll keep in my memory for a long time.

Q. What club did you hit?
EMILIANO GRILLO: A hybrid, like a 2-iron. It was a little downwind and to the right. Perfect.

Q. (No microphone.)
EMILIANO GRILLO: Hopefully they'll play some holes with the wind. I think tomorrow is going to be windy as well. So it's going to be tough.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 16:42:00 GMT

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