RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Scott Piercy

Quick Quotes

Q. How was today? It looked exhausting?
SCOTT PIERCY: It was tough. The wind is consistently from one direction, that's good, there wasn't a lot of swirling. But 20 miles an hour down or across or into it, it's tough.

Q. You battled out there. How would you describe today?
SCOTT PIERCY: Actually hit it really good today. I only had two where I had to chip. I think I missed four greens -- maybe I missed five total, but they were right up front. So just the last hole and No. 18. Hitting that many greens in this wind, I didn't have really close looks for putts, but I was scaring the hole. You don't really expect to make 25-footers. But I controlled the ball really well on the greens, which is tough out here.

Q. How nice is it to be finished and at your position on the leaderboard knowing what's coming this afternoon?
SCOTT PIERCY: Yeah, I'll get a good rest now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 16:46:00 GMT

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