RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Ian Poulter

Quick Quotes

Q. Turns out yours is one of the best rounds in this wind and the difficult conditions today. Six birdies, two bogeys on the card. Your thoughts on how you played here today?
IAN POULTER: Yeah, playing in 20, 25 mile an hour winds isn't easy and the fairways as tight as they are. It was good to get it done.

Obviously we're going to have interrupted play this afternoon with the guys out on the course. Probably be back in by 1:30, hanging around all day, and that's not easy.

So it was good to get out early. It was good to get a good round in. And it's nice to play as I did.

Q. What's the key to handling breezes when the gusts are 25 to 30 miles an hour out here?
IAN POULTER: I guess you're in a bit of trouble. These are the smallest green complexes we have all year, and when you have a wind that's 25 mile an hour, and if it drops, it's easy to miss these greens. Easy to get in a lot of trouble. So you've just got to be patient, take your time, know you're not going to hit a lot of greens in regulation.

Q. Six birdies on a day like this. Impressive to watch, how do you assess it?
IAN POULTER: It wasn't easy with the winds gusting over 30, it isn't easy with the smallest greens we have all year. So looking back I played really solid. I hit a lot of greens in regulation in this wind. Took a few chances. All in all it was pretty good.

Q. How much can you rely on past experience here?
IAN POULTER: Yeah, I've had some decent rounds around this place. I haven't really finished the week off properly yet. I feel this is a good golf course. It's nice to get here after Augusta, to get a little relaxation in. Last week was very tiring. This golf course is one I've played many times and I enjoy it.

Q. How nice is it to be on the leaderboard knowing the weather that's coming in?
IAN POULTER: The guys I think will be caught up in the bad weather that's coming across, looks pretty nasty. I'll be chilling at home. It's not an easy afternoon for those guys. I've done my bit and now I can relax.

Q. Overall assess your round.
IAN POULTER: Overall I was happy. Obviously 4-under par in these conditions. Small fairways. Small greens. So, yeah, I'm pretty happy.

Q. (No microphone.)
IAN POULTER: Well, it's inevitable it's coming. Everyone is going to have to get off the course they say about half one. With that in mind, it's good to be done.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 16:54:00 GMT

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