RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Matt Kuchar

Quick Quotes

Q. How tough was it out there?
MATT KUCHAR: Certainly challenging.

Q. Four birdies on the scorecard, how pleased are you with today's round?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, I thought anything under par was going to be really good today.

Q. Now looking at these guys, as we were talking about the afternoon scores, to be finished, to have the number posted how good is it to be able to enjoy the afternoon and not face that battle?
MATT KUCHAR: Yeah, certainly glad that I came in with a decent number. The afternoon guys, I know it's tough out there, this is one of those days when you look forward to getting back on the couch and watching the guys deal with it. It's one of those struggling days where you have gone through your own struggles and fun to watch your friends go through it, as well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 16:58:00 GMT

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