RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. When it's that difficult out there does it test your patience?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, a little bit. Because you hit a few shots really close and you want to make them. But around here the greens are tricky. For me, I don't know, I've always struggled reading them. But I hit some really nice putts and I played really solid.

Q. Knowing what's ahead how nice is to be done and in the position you are going into the weekend?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I'm in a good position no matter what happens. But it's definitely nice to be done.

Q. (No microphone.)
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It was difficult all day. The wind blew consistently all day. Made it tough. But I hit a lot of really solid golf shots. At times it was really difficult to judge the wind but I felt like I played really solid all day, gave myself a lot of opportunities.

Q. What's the key on a day like today?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's all about controlling your golf ball and distance.

Q. What was going through your mind when you heard that horn blow?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, but luckily we could still play and finish the hole. It's nice to get done, that's definitely a bonus.

Q. How difficult was it playing in these conditions?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, the conditions were tough. I felt like I played really well all day. Drove it good again, hit a lot of really nice iron shots and rolled the putter well. I didn't make as many putts -- I had a lot of good putts just didn't make a lot of them.

Q. How much does the momentum carry over from Augusta and what do you want to do heading into the weekend?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just keep doing exactly what I've been doing. I'm swinging well, placing the ball where I want to. Hopefully I can roll in a few putts over the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 17:04:00 GMT

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