RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. Just comment on your day and on the conditions out there.
KEVIN KISNER: You know, it's not as brutal -- it's getting worse, but earlier it was okay. I played solid. No bogeys today, which is really good. And baled myself out a few times with the short games. I haven't made enough putts to be up there in contention yet.

Q. What was going through your mind when you heard the horn blow?
KEVIN KISNER: My first thought was hot, that we were going to have to wait it out. But I realized we had time to finish it out. So I think it's time to get out of here for a little while.

Q. With these conditions what's the toughest part about this course? Is it putting?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, it's always difficult to putt. They slowed the greens down so the balls wouldn't roll in the wind. It's hard to feel the wind breaking across the break. It's always hard to judge.

Q. You and DJ playing together and then Darius walking up, that's South Carolina. What's it mean to represent the state?
KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, it's always fun to get together with the South Carolinians and have Darius out there. We're all good friends. We grew up together. We were all laughing on the 16th fairway when he walked out with a headset on.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-19 17:11:00 GMT

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