RBC Heritage

Friday, April 19, 2019

Trey Mullinax

Quick Quotes

Q. Interesting day with the weather. Started off a little breezy, got a little break and now we're back in it. You had a solid round. Tell us about your thoughts?
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, played really well. It was really windy all day. The first couple of holes I got kind of lucky on some tee shots and was able to make some pars. Other than that I really played really well. I stuck to my game plan. Me and my caddie did really good job today. We didn't let the wind affect us. We knew it was going to play hard. We just tried to be patient and putted really well. I think I only missed one short putt today on 7. But other than that I played really well and I was excited about what we did.

Q. In serious contention for the weekend. You really are standing in a great position. You were back and forth between top position all day. Does it change your game when you're sitting in that place?
TREY MULLINAX: Not really. Like I said, the conditions are tough. So hitting greens and making pars is really, really good today. So that was pretty much the game plan. If we felt like we had a good club to take a more aggressive line at the holes we did. And we did a good job of that today and we had some good up-and-downs for par.

Q. Your caddie seems to be helping you out quite a bit. I noticed on the last three holes reading some greens with you. How much of a factor is he in a game that you kind of have to almost speed up a little bit?
TREY MULLINAX: He's great. I'm a pretty quick player. I don't really take a whole lot of time. So on the greens I really like to get him involved, because he's a really good green reader, he does a really good job of that, and I usually hit my lines pretty good. When he reads them pretty good and we agree on it we tend to putt pretty well.

Q. Second shot off the cart path on 16, in for a par, how does that feel for a save there?
TREY MULLINAX: It was great. I actually hit a good shot. I had it lined up down the right side and the wind was straight down. We kind of got a gust off the left and it kind of pushed it over there. I hit it really good and just was able to dodge the cart path.

Q. Final putt of the day. Had to back off at two different times because of the wind coming in.
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, it got pretty windy. It was probably blowing about 30 on that putt on that green so I had to back off. I didn't want to rush it. I wanted to take my time and try to hit the best putt I could.

Q. Practice for tomorrow, getting ready for the weekend, anything in particular you want to work on?
TREY MULLINAX: Not really. I feel like we're doing pretty good. Probably just chip and putt still. I'm going to go home and hug my little girl and get ready for bath time.

Q. How important was it to finish there? I know that feels nice.
TREY MULLINAX: I was glad we got to finish, I know Beau and Nick wanted to get out of here. I wanted to finish, too. That gives me a little more sleep so I can go home tonight and rest well and get ready for tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-20 00:08:00 GMT

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