RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. You're still smiling. It's been a long, tough couple of days. How difficult has it been out there with this golf course and battling the weather?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I mean it was quite windy yesterday. Obviously the storm come in. But we got a lot more golf in yesterday than I thought we would. It was nice to get 16 holes done yesterday. And then come out and I played those last two holes nice this morning. I missed a good chance on the last. I'm going to go back and have my second breakfast and chill out for later.

Q. You're leading the field in a lot of categories, but most importantly strokes gained, total strokes gained tee to green, you're third in greens in regulation. What would you say has been the main factor in getting you to this spot?
SHANE LOWRY: Just hitting fairways and just hitting the ball well off the tee. I haven't done that well for a while. And to do that this week, my iron play has been pretty good for nearly a year now. So now if I can get the ball in play I generally give myself a few chances and that's what I've done this week.

Q. You told us after the opening round how much you learned from your previous time here and going low and staying patient. What do you think the key will be for you these next couple rounds as you chase your second PGA Tour title?
SHANE LOWRY: Just patience. It's going to be quite windy. Not as windy as yesterday. But it's a cold wind today. It's a little bit chillier today. Just go out there and try to hit the first fairway and take it from there and just hit one shot at a time.

Q. From your homeland you have to be used to these kind of conditions. Go enjoy that second breakfast.
SHANE LOWRY: Thank you. Cheers.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-20 12:24:00 GMT

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