RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sam Burns

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you assess your round today, Sam?
SAM BURNS: Yeah, I played well. It's tough conditions out there with the wind. I really hit one shot where I was trying to hit it short right of the green or kind of right of the pin on 17 and hit it in the bunker to plug. Other than that I kind of plodded my way around and felt pretty good about it.

Q. What has been so good for you this year? But now you're killing it on the big Tour.
SAM BURNS: I don't know. I think having some experience out here last year, I played in I think 11 events out here, kind of split time out here. But to come out here and kind of knowing what to expect, seeing some of the golf courses already has definitely helped.

Q. Speaking of things going well, talk a little bit about the proposal yesterday?
SAM BURNS: Yeah, that's been actually one of the best weeks of my life now. I proposed to my now fiance. We've been dating about four years. I'm really excited and happy about that.

Q. She said yes, obviously?
SAM BURNS: She did, she did, yeah. I was a little nervous this week about that, but it's over now so I'm relieved.

Q. And good off the course carries good on the course?

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