RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Rory Sabbatini

Quick Quotes

Q. You hit the ball awfully well.
RORY SABBATINI: Yeah, I gave myself a lot of opportunities out there. It was tough conditions.

Q. With the putting was it the wind really?
RORY SABBATINI: It was tough, especially the last three holes being as exposed as they were. It's tough. All things considered with the conditions, the wind was going to play a factor in everything out there, even with the putter.

Q. How good was the ball-striking today?
RORY SABBATINI: In all honesty I think my ball-striking might have been one of the best I've ever experienced out here. I was extremely happy with it.

Q. You performed well in this golf course over the years, nine previous starts, three top-10s. What is it about Harbour Town that suits your eye?
RORY SABBATINI: I think the thing about it is it brings in every part of your game. You have to hit every shot out there. There's no recipe for an exact shot out there. It's all about putting the ball in position and being able to shape the shot and be creative out there. And you always can get yourself out of position, but it's being able to be creative with what you've got.

Q. What's going to be the key to getting the job done tomorrow?
RORY SABBATINI: Well, I think Dustin is playing pretty good. So I think ultimately with the entire field the way they're playing, I have to get off to a good start and just continue the good ball-striking and make a few more putts.

Q. You want to wrap up your round for us today? How are you feeling?
RORY SABBATINI: To be honest, I'm pretty happy to be off the golf course. This golf course showed some teeth out there today. It was not a lot of fun. It was a lot of grinding and a lot of being patient out there. And that's what this course typically entails. But today with the conditions it really put it at a premium.

Q. Tomorrow's round, a few back, but your mindset?
RORY SABBATINI: You know, the thing is long as you give yourself an opportunity from close enough on this golf course, anything is possible. So I've just got to go out there and hopefully just get off it to a good start and make a few more putts out there tomorrow.

Q. Specific challenges out there today?
RORY SABBATINI: The wind was definitely doing a lot of swirling out there, so you had opportunities where you hit shots and the wind was just creating havoc on you. You didn't know if it was coming left or right. And obviously the last three holes as exposed as they are they were playing pretty darn tough tout there today. So I'm quite happy to be done with it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-20 22:38:00 GMT

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