RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Dustin Johnson

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DUSTIN JOHNSON: I feel like I've been driving well. That's the big key around here. Today I had a few loose ones, but the wind direction was different than the last two days. The course was difficult, especially the last three holes. With the wind direction we got today it was very difficult and hard to make putts. I felt like I hit some good putts on 16 and 17.

Q. You had a lot of highlights that we're going to take a look at. We're going to start out of course on the 6th.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, down the hill left-to-righter, and I hit a nice putt and made a good birdie, especially after a disappointing par.

I made a good up-and-down here on 9 after a good drive. I was trying to hit it right of the flag.

Q. You go on to make that. Your short game right now feels it's the best it's ever been, is that fair?

Q. Par save on 12?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, that was a really nice save there.

Q. I feel like you've really got something going for you on 18?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I had a really good look here, straight up the hill.

Q. 47 feet?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it was going really fast.

Q. Was that the look on your face, a little bit of surprise?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yes. It was surprise. But it was nice.

Q. And this on 15.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Okay. That was a good one. I just laughed.

Q. There's not a whole lot to say when you're making everything. But you're from South Carolina, you grew up not necessarily coming to this coordinate, but playing this golf course. So for your 21st win possibly on the PGA Tour, why would this mean more?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It would be special just because it's my home state. I've still got 18 to go, so I'm going to have to go out and play a really solid round tomorrow.

Q. Another solid round of golf here on the golf course. Really looked like you got a kick going with a par save at 12?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, that was a really good save after a poor tee shot. Yeah, it was a really good save and a nice putt there to save par. So that definitely kept the round going for me to do that. I made nice putts on 13, 14, 15.

Q. The one on 14, 49 feet. And kind of a surprised look on your face there?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it was going a little too fast. It was on a good line, it just went in a little too hard and caught the hole and went in somehow. But it wasn't my best, and it went in.

Q. The wind was blowing all day, but when you got to 16, 17, 18, it really turned up.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: It did, and I mean I hit some good shots that ended up in not so good of spots, especially the one on 16. When it left the club I thought it was perfect. And then the wind is blowing 50 off the left and the ball goes dead straight. You just can't miss it left there. And hit a pretty good putt from long left and then hit a good second putt for par. Just the wind got it and took it right to the left.

Q. I know you'd like to have those bogeys at 16 and 17 back. But still a really solid day, especially with the putter, 160 feet of putts made. What was your key to rolling it so well today?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean I had some good lines. I read the greens pretty well. It got a little tricky once we got here on 16, 17 and 18, the wind was affecting the putts so much. And felt like I hit pretty good putts on 16 and 17 that didn't even come close to going in. But, yeah, I'm disappointed, but I also made some nice ones. Not too disappointed with the round. 3-under around here in these conditions is a pretty good score.

Q. Speaking of those conditions, the wind is probably going to blow pretty steadily tomorrow. What's your focus, what's the main thing to get the job done?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I'm just going to have to go out and continue driving it well. I'm going to have to shoot a good score. There's a lot of guys right behind me. So, yeah, I'm going to have to play really well if I want to win tomorrow.

Q. What extra motivation is it being in your home state to get that 21st PGA Tour title?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it definitely would mean a lot to win in my home state. I haven't done that, so, yeah, it would be very special.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-20 22:52:00 GMT

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