RBC Heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. Shane, just how tough was it out there with those gusty winds out there?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it was. It was a long round of golf. I got off to a nice start, just a couple of silly mistakes.

Q. At 9?
SHANE LOWRY: Bad layup.

Q. So everything going according to plan and flying along nicely there. But take a look at the bogey putt on 14. How big a moment was this to hole this one?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it's big. I actually felt like I hit a decent tee shot. But I didn't think it was going to go short. I was trying to get out of there with a 5. And holed out with a 4 and obviously that was huge.

Q. And almost finishing with a birdie on the last?
SHANE LOWRY: A bit of an early call, to be honest. But, yeah, I thought it was in the hole.

Q. How happy are you with that, given the day that you've had, that it's only a one shot margin now?
SHANE LOWRY: I saw Dustin bogeyed 16 and 17. It's nice only one behind. Even making those bogeys, it was the best I've been in a while. So I just want the same tomorrow.

Q. Thursday you talked about the mental preparation and just being relaxed. How relaxed can you be for a final round?
SHANE LOWRY: I'll be very relaxed.

Q. 14 greens in regulation, you just had 7 today, this afternoon, what was different?
SHANE LOWRY: I didn't hit it as well off the tee. And it was just tricky. I mean I felt good out there. I felt like I hit some nice shots and just didn't get rewarded. It's close enough to 25 mile an hour among the trees. You don't know what it's doing. I felt like I had it going early, but I felt like I was happy with what I was doing. So I'm happy to be just one shot off the lead and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. Also happy to be finished for today? How difficult or how mentally and physically exhausting have the last couple of days been?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, and I think the round out there felt like it was one of those days where we played the first six holes in over two hours, and it was just becoming a long day. Back to twosomes tomorrow, and hopefully I can get out and play decent tomorrow.

Q. (No microphone.)
SHANE LOWRY: Just what I've been doing all week. I feel like my game is in good shape. I feel like even when I miss a green I can chip it up. Just kind of take care of my own business.

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Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-20 23:01:00 GMT

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