RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2019

J.T. Poston

Quick Quotes

Q. Anytime you can put in a final round card that looks like that you've got to be pretty pleased, don't you?
J.T. POSTON: Yeah, it was a good round today. The wind didn't quite blow like it did the last couple of days. Anytime you can go bogey free on Sunday is good.

Q. Level par through the first two rounds, making the cut and 9-under through the weekend. Is there anything that changed for you over the weekend?
J.T. POSTON: No, I made a few more putts over the weekend. I hit it great all four days. The first two days my side of the draw was tough. I played in a lot of wind on Friday before that storm. So just kind of hard scoring. So even par for two days. Then all of a sudden you make some putts.

Q. Look at your stats, four career Top-10s on the PGA Tour. With play like you have done over this weekend how much does that give you confidence of seeing this list expand fairly quickly over the coming months and maybe the next couple of years?
J.T. POSTON: Yeah, definitely the game is in a good spot to hopefully get more of those top-10s and get in contention more often than I have been. But, yeah, it's exciting. Today was really the best day. It's something I've been working on.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-21 20:15:00 GMT

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