RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Seamus Power

Quick Quotes

Q. What pleased you the most about the way you played today?
SEAMUS POWER: Didn't make too many mistakes. Short game was pretty good all week. And just the one bogey, disappointing, but overall it was a tricky day.

Q. The wind is gusting just around 20 miles an hour, a little bit easier than the last two days. But still posing a few issues on the course?
SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, because you think it's going one way and down in the trees and then the other, and then when you get out on 16, 17 and 18 it's really blowing all day. It's tricky. You've got to control the flight.

Q. It's been a difficult season for you. Far too many missed cuts I'm sure for your liking when you look through the season results. What do you take positively from this weekend that you can help moving forward now?
SEAMUS POWER: Yeah, a lot. The last four or five tournaments have been much, much better. It's was a struggle early but starting with THE PLAYERS I started to find some stuff and build it better. So it's been encouraging. A week like this is great. It's kick start me. It's not where I want to be, but certainly a move in the right direction.

Q. Looks like everyone is making the rounds towards the top of that leaderboard. It's going to make an interesting day this last couple of guys, isn't it?
SEAMUS POWER: Yes, 16, 17 and 18 are playing tricky with that wind, so we'll see. Whoever is going to win it is going to earn it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-21 20:57:00 GMT

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