RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Matt Kuchar

Quick Quotes

Q. You had a heck of a run. A great birdie on the closing hole. A lot of emotion from the crowd. A lot of emotion from you. How special is this place to you?
MATT KUCHAR: I love it here. I love the golf course. I love the community. I love the crowd support that comes out. This place is awfully special.

I've got to tell you, it was so much fun that back nine. To have a chance, to be playing some good golf, make a handful of birdies, and see how much I could do out there sure was fun.

Q. You've already had a fantastic season in the wins category, in the top-10s category. As you look at the week, you did a lot of things right, what do you take away?
MATT KUCHAR: Another great week. You come here, you try to win a golf tournament. I certainly had a chance. I had to make that birdie on the last. That was a thrill. I thought that might be good enough. Hats off to C.T. for closing strong. Those last three holes, 16, 17 and 18 are tricky holes with the wind. To play those steady is well done.

Q. You come up a little short here, you gave it a go, though. Talk about the final round.
MATT KUCHAR: It was so much fun. Getting in the mix on the back nine here on Sunday. That back nine, I was really, really enjoying myself. It was stressful golf. The wind was up. It was tricky to try to figure everything out. But to get in the mix, to have a chance, playing some good golf, make a couple of birdies. It really was a lot of fun that back nine.

Q. Did you feel the love out there, that Kuch cheer never gets old. And you could hear it echoing around Harbour Town today.
MATT KUCHAR: I tell you, local support here is amazing. Every year I come and every year I'm so impressed by the turnout from the local community. They really come out in great numbers, great support. It's fun to be inside the ropes playing golf in front of so many great fans.

Q. How did it feel to end with a birdie putt on 18?
MATT KUCHAR: Such a thrill for me. I thought getting to 11 might be good enough. I knew how tough 16, 17, 18 were playing. I thought 11 may get in a playoff. Hats off to C.T. Pan. It was a tough hole. He played awfully steady and solid golf.

Q. Tell us a little bit about C.T.
MATT KUCHAR: Great golf. I didn't see too much of what he was doing. Just when I finished, kind of followed the leaderboard. I knew how tough 16, 17 and 18 are. I went in figuring I might stay warm, stay loose if a playoff might happen. But that was good playing for C.T.

Q. Feel like this is a long time coming for him, first win?
MATT KUCHAR: I haven't seen a lot of his game. But anybody out here has chances. Anybody that has that Tour card certainly has a chance to win any week.

Q. You've had a really stretch of good golf here the last four weeks or so, is there a common thread that's kind of gone through it?
MATT KUCHAR: I can't say. It's been a really good year up to this point. It's been good, steady golf. I've been pleased with all aspects. And that's kind of the nature of my game, to have no real weaknesses.

This place you've really got to hit the ball well. If you're not striking the ball well you're in the trees and you're playing for pars. It was nice to be in control of my golf ball for the most part this week.

Q. Is there anything in particular that changes for you?
MATT KUCHAR: I wish I could tell you. I think I just continue to evolve. The goal as a player every year is to continue to get better. And I feel like the work I've done, my instructor, Chris O'Connell, each year we try to get a little bit better. And I think we've really done some good work. It's tiny little things that add up. And just a constant refining and improving. And it's little things that it's hard for me to even put my finger on what it is. I continue to evolve and become a better golfer.

Q. It leads to confidence. And more confidence the better out here.
MATT KUCHAR: I think good golf breeds more good golf, for sure. I think there's some guys who can miss cuts and bounce back and win the next week. I've kind of been a guy that just builds with good golf, that continues to get more good golf. And I certainly get a lot of confidence from good results. And I think it's something that spirals on.

Q. Was it difficult earlier this year just dealing with the distractions and finally being able to put that behind you?
MATT KUCHAR: Yes, it was difficult. I've been blessed with a long career of not having any distractions at all, all positive stuff. It was tough to be on the other side. But thankfully good friends and support team around me that continued to kind of get through and then try to come out on the best side of it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-21 22:22:00 GMT

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