RBC Heritage

Sunday, April 21, 2019

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. When you found out that you won, how much was your family on your mind?
C.T. PAN: I'm still processing it. It's been a lot. I miss everything. I'm very happy. Unfortunately my wife, she's not here because she's in handling my first AJGA event in Houston. And she actually just told me that one of the girls we brought from Taiwan, she won the AJGA event. Probably the best weekend I've had. I'm just happy that those kids had a good time in Houston. And I had a great time here in Hilton Head. My family just means everything to me. I just want to go back and celebrate.

Q. I just talked to your caddie, Alex, he mentioned your wife. You said that you weren't going to play in this tournament, and she said, no, go play, I'll run the tournament. Where does that best decision rank in terms of the best decisions you've made?
C.T. PAN: Just listen to your wife and you will have a good life. She's right, always.

Q. You did a lot of things right this week on the golf course, but when you look at 17 and you knew everything at stake, you hit it in the bunker and then you knock it out there where you can save par, how important was that shot to getting this victory?
C.T. PAN: Is 17 that bunker shot was kind of tough. I realized I was able to hit -- I was very happy because I had a 64 degrees in my bag, and I just need to pop it out and it will roll -- with downhill it will roll to the pin. I was happy with that. At 17 -- after 15 I know I had to make birdies to win. So I made birdie on 16, that was huge. And 18, I almost -- I'm happy to get it done.

Q. This is going to be a career changing moment, what does this mean to you?
C.T. PAN: It means a lot of changes, FedExCup, getting in the Masters. I've got to talk to my agent. It's a good problem to have.

Q. Last week you watched your hero Tiger Woods put on the Green Jacket. This week you get to put on the Plaid Jacket.
C.T. PAN: Thank you. Go Tiger.

Q. Your first ever PGA Tour win, you have to be on Cloud 9 right now, tell me what you're thinking?
C.T. PAN: It's still really hard for me to believe. I'm processing. My phone has been vibrating the last ten minutes. I'm so happy I finally got it done. Sort of unlucky because my wife is not here, she's handling the AJGA event back in Houston. But it's a big weekend for me.

Q. You snuck up on the leaderboard. What was your key to success today?
C.T. PAN: I mean last night I look at the hole locations. I told myself, stay even par or under par through the four holes, and 5th hole, through 13, go all out and fire at every pin, which I did. I made a birdie on 9, 10 and 12. And that's how I snuck on the leaderboard. And I'm just happy I executed my strategy very well there.

Q. What is it about this golf course that brings out your best game?
C.T. PAN: This course, obviously I'm not a long hitter, so it's all about decision. Decision with the ball is very important out here. And I hit a lot of fairways, which works well. And I work on the low driver, as well. I did a lot of preparation for this week to get myself ready.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #178 at 2019-04-21 22:40:00 GMT

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