RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just kind of walk us through 12 and how quickly you were able to rebound from that.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, you can't miss right on 12. I knew that. In the air, it was fine. It was just going to be in the trees, whether I could punch it to the green or punch out. I hit a tree, and it went about 20 yards to the right across the car path out of bounds. It wasn't really -- it wasn't an out of bounds shot, it just got kind of a tough break.

Then my three-putt was sloppy there. All of a sudden, I'm 3 over through three, and you start to see guys going 2 under through two, 2 under through three early. It's not a great feeling.

I've been making a lot of putts. I've been making a lot of birdies in my rounds, and I knew that, if I could try -- my goal was to get four more. I told Michael on 13, I said, all right, that's over. Let's get four today and shoot under par for the day, and that's the new goal. I ended up getting a few more than that.

Just tried to position myself each hole to have a decent look, and certainly that was the case on that front nine.

Q. If you look at your last couple of rounds counting last week, it feels like a bit of a roller coaster for those watching from the outside. Does it feel that way to you?
JORDAN SPIETH: Today wasn't really a roller coaster. That triple, again, it was a bogey at worst if it doesn't ricochet 25 yards out of bounds. So certainly, Sunday last week was, and that was my first time in that position in right around two years, being anywhere near within three strokes of the lead starting a Sunday.

So I expect that to be not quite sharp yet. You start to feel more comfortable the more experiences you get. And today it was -- it had nothing to do with last Sunday. Again, it wasn't too bad of a tee ball that ended up out of bounds. So I just tried to tell myself that I've been driving the ball really well and continue to -- if you're putting it in play off the tee here, you're going to get some wedge opportunities.

I really enjoy playing this golf course. It's one of cooler courses. I haven't had necessarily a ton of success, but I also haven't played it very often. So I'm looking forward to continuing on my back nine today.

Q. Jordan, you talked about how important the par 3s were. On the 4th hole, did you want to take that aggressive line?
JORDAN SPIETH: So I had a club in my hand that needed to be hit really solid just to be enough. I was trying to hit it about 12 feet right of the hole, and I turned it over a little bit too much. You know, that's why you aim 12 feet right of the hole so your left miss is at the pin. If not, you're 12, 15 feet. It ended up -- I knew, if I hit it solid on my line, it was plenty of club, and it was going to be below the hole, and I knew that, if I tugged it a little bit, it's going to carry a couple more yards and be okay.

No, the idea wasn't to go right at the stick and be three feet, but certainly that's the whole point in aiming at the middle of the green and trying to work it towards the pin.

Q. I think you either tied or set your record for six consecutive birdies. Can you just talk about that stretch?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I was a little -- in the middle of it, I thought, this would be really cool to birdie the last eight. When I got to Number 6 green, had a good look there, made that one, I thought it's very possible. Then I hit a really solid shot, made birdie on 7, and I'm in the fairway on 8. 9 is obviously a wedge. Here's our chance. We get it here, I'm going to have a look at eight straight on 9.

I had like a little bit of mud on the left side of the ball, and I didn't really want to play it because, if it's not there, it's going to go in the water left of the green, so I played it safe, which was the right play. But I knew that I'd be 30-plus feet on 8 after I hit the shot. I knew where I stood. I knew what was going on. But I mean, it doesn't change the way you play. You're just hitting point A to point B on this kind of golf course.

Q. And what were you most happy with today, and what were you -- not maybe disappointed, but less happy with?
JORDAN SPIETH: I thought my wedges were a lot stronger, especially after I settled into the round after the first -- actually, pretty much the whole day, wedges and iron play was really solid.

I'd like to feel just a little bit better off the tee, especially with my 3 wood. 3 wood gave me -- I kind of shied away from it last week, and it's kind of getting better, and I hit a couple good ones today but a couple not so good. So that's an important club as you move on this week and the course starts to firm up a little bit. There's a lot of those out here. So off the tee, I can do better.

Q. You mentioned last week a couple times that you were giving yourself breaks, not to put too much pressure on yourself and this is a process. Is that sort of a trigger for you that you've been working on, and how is it going?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, Michael did a great job of reminding me that today when it wasn't going well on my front nine. So, yeah, it's definitely a trigger to get it going. The idea, like I mentioned a minute ago, is to work yourself into contention, get those experiences, start to feel more and more comfortable under the gun. I mean, that's the longest I've gone without having a chance on a Sunday.

So if I work my way in over the next couple rounds on Sunday, I expect to feel a little more comfortable than I was last week. So I'm giving myself grace, but that's not to say I'm not expecting to do better and better each week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 16:08:00 GMT

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