RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Daniel Berger

Quick Quotes

Q. Is this just kind of a continuation of last week, the confidence you were able to pick up?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, honestly, I didn't play good golf today, but I made a bunch of par saves. I feel like I kept the momentum going from last week. 4 under is a good start to the week, better than I expected after being a little bit tired after the last week.

Q. These two courses are usually -- Colonial and this week for you are kind of put in the same category. Would you agree with that, or is it a little bit different?
DANIEL BERGER: I would. I think the golf course here actually sets up really well for me. It's a lot of little chip drivers. I've got a 3 wood that I really like now. I'm excited to see what happens the next couple days.

Q. I think you said last week that you're not 100 percent after the injury. How close do you think you are, and what needs to happen for you to get there?
DANIEL BERGER: There's a little procedure I can do, which now that I've got some security, I'll find some time to get that done. It will be a month or two before I can get back. But it's totally fine to play. It's just a matter of can I play five weeks in a row? Probably not. But I feel great. I'm healthy for the most part. Just got to continue to do what I've done the last three months.

Q. Can I ask what the procedure is?
DANIEL BERGER: Basically, like open -- there's a little tunnel that your tendon travels through, and they just open up the tunnel. She's confident that it would be completely fixed in a month. Probably should have done it a year ago, but I'm just pretty against being cut on. So anything to avoid a surgical procedure for me.

Q. After a win, TOUR guys talk about being tired. Obviously, it takes a lot out of you. Did you experience that, or is it a little bit different times, a little bit different circumstances?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, the first couple days when I got here, I was definitely pretty beat up. Once I got to the first tee today, you get a little adrenaline flowing, and I was ready to go. Like I said, I didn't play great golf, but I scored well. That's kind of reminiscent of how I've been playing, not necessarily my best, but shooting good numbers.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 16:19:00 GMT

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