RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes

Q. Brooks, these two courses last week and this week are kind of compared in the same conversation. Are you playing them the same way?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Just play whatever the hole gives me. There's opportunities where you can add driver and take advantage of it, and there's times when you've just got to lay back. It all kind of depends on the pin location. You might have to play kind of around some trees to a certain part of the fairway, maybe the right quarter of the fairway, right half of the fairway, or the left half. It just kind of depends where the pin is.

You can be aggressive, if you'd like to, if you're hitting it good. Last week was kind of the same thing. But they are pretty similar.

Q. How many drivers do you think you hit during this round?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Probably six. I probably hit six drivers.

Q. Is that more aggressive than maybe you thought you were going to be or right at what you thought?
BROOKS KOEPKA: The wind -- obviously, you're not always looking to hit driver on 9, but the way the wind direction was, I was able to hit it. A few other times, just pretty much all the par 5s. It's about right for out here, especially if you're driving it well.

Q. Brooks, compare how your game felt today compared with last week.
BROOKS KOEPKA: I felt like I actually played just as good last week. I just wasn't getting anything out of it. Last week it was difficult. All the doglegs kind of started right where my ball ends up. You can hit a good shot, and it kind of runs through. I didn't find any fairways, so it's very tough on Bermuda to actually control your distance.

The way last week set up, there's a lot of bunkers in front of the green. If you're in the rough trying to punch it under some trees, you're not going to be able to run it up.

I thought I played fine last week. I was pleased with it. I felt like -- we always say we're just knocking on the door, just kind of getting revved up. I feel like that's kind of where I was.

Q. Were you surprised the PGA asked for no fans at Harding Park?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, we got to do whatever we got to do to make us safe, keep the fans safe. Whatever it's going to be, it's going to be. Obviously, you'd like to have fans, but I understand with what's going on, it might not be possible.

Q. And given the time off you had from your knee and then also what we've just gone through with coronavirus, do you feel any sense of urgency right now?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Urgency for what?

Q. In terms of your game and getting ready as the Majors are coming up.
BROOKS KOEPKA: Not really. I just go play golf, just keep doing what I'm doing. I feel like I'm playing good, so eventually it will come.

Q. You might have been asked this, and I apologize. Guys have talked about whether they want to wear microphones or not wear microphones during a round. Do you have any thoughts on it one way or the other?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I do. I don't understand why they want us to wear a mike when there's a boom mike that stands ten feet away from every shot that I hit. If the announcers would just shut up and listen, you could hear every word that we're talking about. I don't understand what the thing is. Half the time the lady's holding a boom mike, and she's listening to everything we're saying all the way down. If they would just shut up, they could hear everything.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 16:23:00 GMT

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