RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. Brian, can I get you to talk about your round, please.
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I struggled off the tee, made one bad decision on 2. Nice to make a birdie on the last, but I've got a lot of work to do the last few days.

Q. You've played this course a lot, obviously in April, and I'm sure you've played it this time of year. Is it different as far as the grass and everything?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, it's a lot different. I don't know that I've ever played it this time of year. I was thinking about it the other day. Without the overseed, it's a lot different around the greens. Greens still roll, still rolling great. The course is playing fine, but it is different for sure.

Q. Again, you played here a lot of times. The tee on 17, did you even know that was there?
BRIAN HARMAN: I knew it was there back in the day, but I never played it over there. I played it over there in the practice round. It's a cool look from over there. As a leftie, with that left tee, the damn tree is in my way anyway. So I kind of like that tee there.

Q. Does it change the hole significantly how you play it?
BRIAN HARMAN: It will in the future. I don't think we're going to get enough wind for it, but I actually think it plays probably a little easier from over there than it does because your angle is a little bit better.

Q. Into the meat of the green?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, because hardly ever is that hole straight down or straight in. It's almost always off the left or off the right. It's hard to hold that green. It's just real shallow from that left tee.

Q. Can you talk about your consecutive birdies on 12 and 13?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, kind of the highlight of the day, I guess. Got off to a good start. Just hit a couple of really nice shots and made a couple of nice putts.

Q. I know you've gotten this a lot, but what was it like playing without fans today?
BRIAN HARMAN: Just like last week. There's a few more people around here because they can kind of get behind their house. It's nice to see people are still interested in golf. It was nice to see a few people out there.

Q. It looks like you got a bad break on the 2nd hole, hitting the tree. Can you talk about that.
BRIAN HARMAN: When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I tried to be cute on that right side and hit a tree and went out of bounds. I take the full brunt of that.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 17:20:00 GMT

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