RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Michael Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Michael, how would you assess your round out there today?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Almost perfect. I played really well. I was hitting the ball really well to start the round. I found something in my putting last week down in Jacksonville at the Korn Ferry event.

So I feel very, very comfortable over the ball with the putter in my hand. So I got it rolling early, made -- I think I made my first four or five putts inside 15 feet and got me to 4 under quick, just continued to try to give myself chances and made a couple coming down the stretch. It was nothing really to complain about today.

Q. Can you share that one thing you found last week?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Yeah, I just made a small adjustment to my setup. I just put the ball a little bit further away from my feet, allowed the putter to sit more flat on the ground, allowed me to swing the putter just a little bit better. I've got a very light putter, so I like to feel the weight of the head through impact.

Just making that one small adjustment made a huge, huge impact. Played well last Friday down there at TPC, missed the cut by one, but left the course with a really good feeling. So just kind of riding the wave right now.

Q. Is that how it kind of goes a little bit? You make one little change, and it makes you feel good and translates to the rest of your game a little bit?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Yeah, absolutely. My ball striking has been coming along for really the last kind of six months. I've been working with Justin Parsons down in Sea Island. He's kind of getting me rediscovering kind of my old feels from college and my first few years out on TOUR. So I feel really comfortable standing over the ball, and I know what I'm doing with my swing.

That paired with now kind of finding my putting stroke is making a world of difference. It's making golf fun again. You know, I love what Jordan Spieth said last week, that he plays best when he's playing more like a kid than he is trying to be perfect. That's kind of what I'm trying to do.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 17:33:00 GMT

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