RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Mark Hubbard

Quick Quotes

Q. Mark, congratulations. Really a nice round of golf, including that save on number 9. Your thoughts on how you played today.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, it was just my short game. Obviously, it was more the same from last week. I hit it horrible last week and just chipped and putted my face off. Then luckily, I got to work on a few things earlier this week and kind of hit some better shots and left myself more birdie putts than par putts, and I made everything.

Q. You make the turn, and then you go birdie, eagle. Tell us about that stretch on 1 and 2.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, we had a really good read on 1, made about an 18-footer. Then hit it right where I needed to on 2, kind of that left side so it really opens up the green. I just had a great number for kind of a little cut 3 wood. I knew I couldn't go long, so I could really be aggressive with it. It just rolled in perfect at around six feet. It was a nice little momentum starter for sure.

Q. You're one of these guys, you look at your numbers, you're 36th in the FedExCup point standings, three top tens. I know Sunday wasn't what you wanted last week, but you're playing really well.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I'm happy with everything. More than anything, I'm happy with my mental game. I think I've grown up and come a long way in the last two years. I definitely have the Korn Ferry Tour to thank for that. I needed to go back down there and kind of figure out my game again and my mental state.

I'm having a lot more fun with it, more than anything, out here. I think that's why the results are coming.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 17:52:00 GMT

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