RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. Bryson, just thoughts on the overall round and how you went about this golf course.
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, first thing, I'm representing Christie Keller for her service on the front lines. I just want to say thank you to her and her six years of service. She's obviously on my mind. This is stuff that matters this week is keeping us healthy and clean, and they're part of the reason why we're doing that. So I want to say thank you to them.

Around the golf course, I couldn't unleash the Kraken today. There's no way I could unleash it. It was just too tight out there. The wind was swirling all day, and I couldn't feel comfortable to give it a good whack, but I was still able to manage keeping it mostly in the fairway. I'm going to do a better job of that tomorrow and work on my ten o'clock shots. I didn't putt terrible. Just messed up on a couple.

Q. How many drivers did you hit today?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: I have no idea. I'll have to look at that. It was around five or six.

Q. Were you told, as you were warming up, to stop hitting driver because the ball is running up on the 8th fairway?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: No, it was into the wind today. So I wasn't getting it there. I probably was hitting it on the 8th green, but I wasn't told that. I might have but --

Q. Just to be clear, when you decided on this sort of physical transformation, was there a moment that led you to it, or was it something that's been in the back of your mind for a long time?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, well, I got bored. I love the game of golf, and I love the journey that it takes me on, and I want to keep pursuing different avenues to try to get better, be the best that I can possibly be, and I felt like this is one that I could accomplish.

So right after Shriners, I just said, you know what, I'm just going to change things up.

Q. Do you feel like -- I've had a couple teachers say you could change, in some ways, the direction of the game if people try to do more of what you're doing.
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: I'm not going to say much on that other than the fact that I think that I've proven my point, that when I want to do something, I can go do it. That's not cockiness at all. That's just perseverance and dedication. I hope that's an inspiration to a lot of people. I want that to be an inspiration because whoever's struggling right now, whoever's not doing their best, I want that to be a light for their future to say, hey, look, if he can do it -- he was a nothing burger. If he can do it, anybody can do it. ^.

Q. Conviction seems to be one of your strongest assets. Has it always been that way?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Conviction when I truly believe that something is going to work. If it doesn't work, I don't have conviction on it obviously.

Q. How difficult is it to go around a golf course when you can't unleash?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: It's scary at some points in time for me because I'm like how do I fit it in there rather than just trying to give it my full blow that I'm comfortable with, but that's a part of the game. We don't play the same course every week, and you've got to adapt.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 21:52:00 GMT

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