RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Webb, you were on fire in the beginning, a little solid at the end. How was the day out there?
WEBB SIMPSON: The day was good. I felt like what got trickier as the day went on is the wind was swirling. So my distance control was great the first 11 holes, and then we started mis-clubbing here or there, usually long, and it would turn. I mean, it would be right to left where we're standing and left to right where the pin is. So it's harder to trust.

So I didn't get many great looks the last seven holes, like I did the first 11, but still a good solid day. I didn't put too much pressure on myself to get it up and down. I hit most of the greens, I think.

Q. Before we talk a little bit more about you, what did you think what you saw with Bryson today?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, it's phenomenal what he's done to be able to put on that much muscle mass and increase swing speed, ball speed, but still have great control. That part of his game looks just as good. So really impressive. You know, it's inspiring for guys like me, who kind of are that mid-pack of length, to keep working out in the gym, keep getting longer.

I've gotten longer the last couple years, not at the rate he's going, but it's definitely cool to see.

Q. What is it about this place that you like the best? Is it the fact that it's so constrained, or does it require a different artistry or imagination than other places?
WEBB SIMPSON: I think both. I think you have to really shape it off the tee. You've got to think, you know, any hole could be two or three clubs off the tee that makes sense. So I love that. I love small greens. I love small targets.

Paul said that I'm the worst driver of the ball with a really open fairway and one of the best with a really tight fairway. So I think, when it's really wide, I'm not thinking or focusing. And also just being, I think, at the beach. I've always seemed to play well here and RSM, just being near the ocean. I grew up playing golf at the beach in Wilmington. So it just feels nice to be close to the beach. Yeah, I've had some of my best finishes these weeks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 21:56:00 GMT

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