RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. Dustin, just assess your round out there today, please.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I thought it was good. I played pretty solid. It wasn't even that bad of a swing on 13 and ended up making a 6. Other than that, I played well. I had a lot of good looks at birdies.

I had one real bad iron shot but drove it fairly good, rolled the putter nicely. I'm definitely pleased with how it went.

Q. Was there anything different about like today's round, you said how you're feeling about how you're playing, than how you played last week in those two rounds?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Last week, I was prepared, and then the week before, I had a little bit of a setback just with my knee was bothering me. So I didn't get to prepare like I wanted to. I almost even went home on Tuesday, but I felt better on Wednesday. So I did get Wednesday in, but I still just -- I didn't feel like I was prepared properly for it.

So I got a lot of good work done this past weekend and then this week. So, yeah, the game feels good. I feel like I'm swinging it well. I'm doing everything pretty well. So I just feel a little more prepared this week.

Q. And the knee's feeling all right?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it feels great. I don't know, I just tweaked something, I guess, a couple weeks ago. So I was playing really well before I did that, and then like I said, I just didn't get to prepare properly leading up to Colonial.

Q. Just one question. What is the one area of your game that you feel like needs the most work?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I would say probably my mid irons would be the one thing. I feel like I'm driving it good. I feel like I'm wedging it pretty well, chipping and putting pretty good. I'm just not hitting my mid irons as close. You know, that 7, 8, 9 iron, not hitting those quite as well as I'd like to.

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Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 22:02:00 GMT

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