RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dylan Frittelli

Quick Quotes

Q. Dylan, how would you assess your round out there today?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Just consistent. Really nice and consistent. I thought on 18, did I hit every green today? No, a few of them rolled just off the green. But pretty much everything in my game was solid today and really look forward to maintaining that throughout the week.

Q. You kind of talked about you played here a couple years ago, the differences between April and June.
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Yeah, it was a lot softer, I guess, the first two practice rounds I had here, so balls were stopping with 6, 7 irons. But I think it's going to firm up a lot when the wind sort of hits the course and a little more mowing on the green should make it a bit firmer and quicker come the weekend. So it should play a lot more similar to April the last two rounds.

Q. How much work did you put in on your game during the three-month break?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Quite a lot. I took five weeks off to start. So that cleared my head and got my body right. I spent a lot of time in the gym and got stronger. The last sort of two months was just some diligent practice with my coach back home in Austin and again more gym training. A little more mentally rusty last week in Dallas and didn't make the cut there, but I learned from that. I'm definitely feeling a lot more confident this week with some competitive golf under my belt.

Q. Is the gym something you've kind of gotten into a little bit more? I saw on social media you got into some more of the Olympic look stuff and some CrossFit type stuff?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: Yeah, definitely. I love doing strength training. I don't get much from sort of golf workouts and simple band stuff. So I like to get under the bar and do some squats, do some deadlifts, do some power cleans, and just become an athlete, I guess.

I watched all the guys when I was at the University of Texas, all the track guys and football players and baseball players just moving weights around, and I always dreamed of being able to do stuff like that. Now Nic Catterall, my trainer, has the guidance to be able to show me through all that stuff safely.

Q. How has that translated into your golf game?
DYLAN FRITTELLI: I haven't seen much distance, to be honest. I've done a lot of strength training in the last year and a half, so just trying to build my foundation and get to a point where I can do more power moves and get some speed out of the bar and then translate that into club head speed eventually.

But I'm just trying to build a really strong foundation so I'm pushing that injury barrier much farther away.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 22:19:00 GMT

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