RBC Heritage

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. You've played here a lot. Was this pretty much what you expected coming into this week with where your game was?
RYAN PALMER: Lowest round I've shot here, I think, that's for sure. You just never know. Each week is so different. I know I worked hard on the weekend. Went back to Colonial and practiced putting with Randy Smith, hit some balls at home. Then we got here and put some good work in prior to.

So I know I did the work. That was the good thing. So I was confident in that, and I was doing the right work, and it was time just to see some shots.

You know, today was just -- it was pretty smooth. Nothing really just jumped out. The drive on 9 was a good lucky bounce. It bounced over the bunker and up to two feet and made eagle. Other than that, I had a lot of -- I played the par 5s under par and made a few other short putts. It was hard to make a lot of putts, to be honest with you, with the green the way it was this afternoon.

Yeah, it was great. I loved some of the shots I was hitting. That I needed to see, and that was big for me.

Q. Lowest round here ever. What worked, I guess? Like what were you doing well enough today that maybe you hadn't done in the best?
RYAN PALMER: I just drove the ball great today. I kept the ball in front of me. Hit a low driver when I needed it, hit a normal driver when I needed it, but just kept it in play. I had one shot in the pine needles, but it was just barely offline. I missed two greens today, I think.

So just kept the ball in front of me the whole day and never got in trouble. That's huge for this golf course is just giving yourself the free shots to the greens without having to dodge these overhanging trees.

Q. Given what you just said about the state of your game, how would you characterize last week? Was that a little bit of nerves given the fact that you were given the honor of hitting the first tee shot and it being a home game?
RYAN PALMER: It's always hard playing at home like that. You're staying at home with the family. You're playing in front of -- not in front of anybody, but it's your own club. Yeah, there's a little nerves. It had nothing to do with the first tee shot. I was very honored to be able to do that.

I didn't play that bad. I had one shank on 16 and made double. So it's fun to talk about those sometimes. No, it was just the first week back. That's the way golf goes.

Q. Did someone hit into you on 10, on the green?
RYAN PALMER: It was while I was about to hit my short par putt, and I hear a ball land. I didn't really pay much attention to it, and I made the putt, and James mentioned it. I looked back, and Streelman was coming around the water. I thought he hit it in the water and couldn't see, but come to find out, he dribbled if off the tee box and had like 300 yards and somehow hit 3 wood onto the green. No, it was cool. I gave him the old arms up and waved at him, and he apologized.

I told him I just wanted to wave my arms one time. So no big deal.

Q. Given your familiarity with Colonial, obviously being a member there, these two golf courses are compared similarly all the time. Would you say that they're similar, or is it kind of a little bit different style of play?
RYAN PALMER: Similar in the sense old school. This one is just different because you have to -- there's so many overhanging trees. Colonial, you can kind of go out there on your approach shots and play one shot. I think here you've got to play different shots each hole.

They're similar. You've got to drive the ball great at both of them. I'd say the fairways are a little hard to hit at Colonial, but just they're similar but different.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-18 22:41:00 GMT

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