RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice big birdie putt there on No. 9, shoot 64 today, minus 9 through 36 holes. How would you assess your round out there today?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Very solid. I hit it really good off the tee. It was always in play, which is really important on this golf course. Hit my irons really well. I think I just missed a couple greens in good spots where I can get up and down from.

Stayed really patient. Yesterday I hit the ball really well as well. I just didn't make any putts. Today some of them started falling in, which is nice to see.

Q. How hard is it sometimes to stay patient when you feel like you're playing well but the score maybe didn't show yesterday?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, it's tough. All the way from last Sunday, last week, I feel like I hit the ball really well, and I just couldn't get anything going. Still a good finish, but I felt like I played way better than my score.

Yesterday was kind of the same, hit the ball really good, just didn't make anything in, and today it finally showed. Keep doing the same thing for the weekend.

Q. So this is kind of a continuation of how you've been striking the ball from last week, but just some putts decided to fall today?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, thankfully, it's been just easy golf. Hit a lot of fairways, a lot of greens. You can get a little frustrated if you start seeing the ball not go in the hole when you feel like you hit a good putt. But that's the name of the game. You've got to stay patient.

If you're hitting it good, you're going to have a lot more looks. So it can feel like you're not making anything, but you're still playing good golf.

That's what I kept telling myself. Dale, my caddie, also reminded me to stay patient. I'm striking it well, and I'm rolling it good. It's just a matter of time until they fall in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 15:34:00 GMT

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