RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Mackenzie Hughes

Quick Quotes

Q. Mackenzie, 8 under par through 36 holes. Just assess your round, if you could, please.
MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, today was quite nice. I felt like 68 was probably the highest I could have shot today. 2020 has been a bit of a struggle for me so far. I've had a great result and a lot of other mixed results. So today was a nice round. Yeah, pretty low stress and nice spot for the weekend.

Q. The conditions kind of seem, obviously, a little warmer today, maybe a little more humid, but it seemed pretty ripe for scoring. Did you feel that way?
MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, definitely getting up this morning, low wind. Yesterday afternoon, I felt it was playing kind of tricky, some swirling wind. This morning it was a half club at most, if any. So that was kind of nice.

See your shot, see your number, and you just kind of hit it. So, yeah, it was definitely there for the taking this morning.

Q. As you go into the weekend -- who knows how far you'll be back at this point -- but what's one key you're going to work on this weekend as you try to stay in contention and obviously try to take on the title?
MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, one of the things I've been working on this week in my golf swing is just the rhythm. That's will be something I just keep going back to all weekend. If I do that well, I'll keep playing well. Game feels very good.

So excited to be kind of somewhat in the mix. Hopefully, it will only be three, four back, and, yeah, shoot a low one tomorrow and try to get into it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 15:47:00 GMT

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