RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice little 65 today, Webb. Just assess your round, if you could, please.
WEBB SIMPSON: Today was a little bit less solid ball-striking wise. Made a lot of putts. I think that was the difference today. I had a few par savers that kind of kept my momentum going, but I did drop three shots, all kind of physical errors. I'm thinking well right now, so I'd rather physical errors than mental errors. It was nice to finish the way I did as well.

Q. With some of those errors that happened on the stretch of 14 through like 1, especially on 14 and 16, how did you regroup and be able to make those birdies in between some of those mistakes?
WEBB SIMPSON: Coming off 14, I liked my golf swing there. I think the ball got moved a little by the wind, so I was fine there. But to bounce back -- I think each bogey today with a birdie, it just shows I'm staying present mentally. I'm getting on the next tee, and I'm not thinking about the last hole in any way. I did a good job of that today.

Q. What was the little tweak you made after the round yesterday with your putting that you talked about?
WEBB SIMPSON: The ball got too far back in my setup, so I just moved it up a little bit, and it helped my aim. I was aiming everything right, so I moved it up on the line that came back and started rolling it better.

Q. You always talked about how kind of similar greens up there at Quail, where you're a member at home, and now how this is with all the Bermuda. Does that kind of help, knowing how these greens are going to react this time of year compared to April?
WEBB SIMPSON: I think so. I came in here Tuesday not knowing what to expect, and I realized they were softer than April. Honestly, with no overseed, the grain's more exposed, so we can read them better, I think, and be more confident. The grain's pretty strong here. So far, the grain really hasn't failed us. It's done what the grain said each time.

So having a guy like Paul who grew up in Florida and knows Bermuda greens well, it gives me confidence as a player.

Q. Just talk about the last like year or so of golf you kind of played and the confidence you're kind of building, you kind of created. When you go into a weekend now, you kind of just feel that you know what you need to do and how to do it to get it done a little bit more maybe than a few years back?
WEBB SIMPSON: I think so. I think experience, you know, always helps. I know what to expect tomorrow if I'm in the last group or second to last group. I know what to expect Sunday. I felt those feelings before. Honestly, I really view, even tournaments, as a marathon. It's a long way. We're only halfway there, but I'm in a great position, and I'll take where I'm at.

But, again, I'll go out tomorrow. I might be around the lead, tied for the lead, leading, and I go out, and I'm three or four back early because somebody goes out and shoots 30 on the front. So I've learned, I think, just to not really expect a whole lot to finish and all that, just one hole at a time.

Q. Is there one thing you'll kind of focus on this weekend that will kind of help you stay in that moment?
WEBB SIMPSON: I think just the mentality that it's a long way until Sunday afternoon on the 18th hole. So I kind of compartmentalize everything. Right now, after I'm done with media, I'm going to go practice, work on a few drills, and then leave the golf course today and not really think about golf again. Show up tomorrow and kind of go through the same routine. A lot of the mundane stuff is the most important stuff for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 16:16:00 GMT

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