RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Gary Woodland

Quick Quotes

Q. Gary, 5 under through 36 holes. How would you assess your round today?
GARY WOODLAND: Frustrated. I left a lot out there. Just was a little bit off. The golf course was soft and receptive. I thought it was a little tough to make putts. I think the green is just a little slower than we anticipated.

But the golf course is in great shape. Like I said, it's receptive. You can get it. Unfortunately, I didn't.

Q. So one of the most frustrating parts is kind of not making those putts, but putting yourself in that position?
GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, I didn't hit it close, and when I did hit it close, I didn't make it. It was kind of a frustrating day. I hit two balls in the water. I made a couple putts in the middle of the round for some birdies to kind of get going a little bit. I gave myself a lot of chances going in. I just didn't get anything to fall. So I've got a lot of work ahead of me this weekend.

Q. Is there something you can go work on after the round?
GARY WOODLAND: Everything. I need to tweak everything, but everything needs to be sharpened up just a little bit.

Q. Do you feel like being six, seven back, you still have a low one in you to kind of go out there?
GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, no doubt about it. Saturday is moving day for a reason. I've got to go out and go low tomorrow. Play aggressive. The golf course is receptive, like I said. So hopefully, get off a little earlier, get some good greens, and make some putts.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 16:20:00 GMT

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