RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Dustin Johnson

Quick Quotes

Q. Dustin, how would you assess your round today?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I thought it was really solid. I drove it nicely, gave myself a lot of opportunities, and then the few times I missed the green was just off the fringe. So I made a lot of easy pars. Yeah, I mean, I felt like I gave myself a lot of chances. It was a really solid round, though. Go around here with no bogeys is always good.

Yeah, I just need to -- I feel like I drove it well the first two days. Yesterday I didn't hit my irons quite as well as I'd like to. Today I felt like I hit some better golf shots. I was looking forward to a nice weekend.

Q. Did you feel the course is kind of gettable today, the conditions were pretty benign?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Oh, yeah, especially this morning on the front nine. There wasn't any wind blowing. It was definitely soft. Obviously a little bit of rain last night, so it softened up. With it soft, it plays a little bit longer, because the balls aren't rolling on the fairway. But, yeah, you can be aggressive around here.

>> Do you feel like you're in a good position heading into the weekend?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I feel like I'm in a good position. I feel like the game's in good form right now. So looking forward to a nice weekend. I'm going to have to go out and shoot some more good scores.

Q. If there's one thing you have to kind of maybe focus on this weekend, what would you say it would be?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just keep driving it in the fairway. If I can keep hitting fairways, I'm going to give myself a lot of chances.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 16:22:00 GMT

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