RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Corey Conners

Quick Quotes

Q. Corey, how would you assess your round out there today?
COREY CONNERS: Obviously, pretty awesome round. Stress free, hit a lot of really good shots. I felt great about my game. Rolled in a bunch of birdie putts to pay off with good shots. Really happy with the round.

Q. Is this kind of a little bit of a continuation of how you played last week?
COREY CONNERS: Yeah, for sure. I took a lot of positives away from last week. There wasn't much rust there. I was feeling pretty good and ready to go back into competition. Yeah, just tried to keep my confidence going and play aggressively here. I haven't had a lot of success at this course before. It will be my first time playing the weekend. I think my experience over the last few years helped me. I'm definitely comfortable out here, and I like the golf course a lot.

Q. How do you think experience helps out here? Just more familiarity with the golf course?
COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I think being more familiar with the course, just trusting lines off the tee. Some of the tee shots, it doesn't look like there's as much room as there is. So just kind of knowing there's a little room if you happen to miss it, it definitely frees up my swing a little bit.

I've been hitting the ball great, which is very important around here.

Q. Is there something you can take from last weekend, maybe not playing your best maybe on Sunday, into this weekend. Say what you maybe like learned from that?
COREY CONNERS: Yeah, for sure. I was trying to force things a little bit at the start of the final round on Sunday. I was in a really nice position, wanted to get myself up near the top. Made a few mistakes early. So just being patient, take your opportunities when they present themselves. Fortunately, I've kind of had that mindset, and I've capitalized on a lot of nice opportunities I've given myself.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 17:21:00 GMT

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