RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Jhonattan Vegas

Quick Quotes

Q. Jhonny, talk us through your round a little bit. What was working so well for you out there?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well, obviously, a little bit of everything. You have to drive the ball really well here, which I was a little bit better at that today than yesterday. And obviously, just kind of take advantage of some of the opportunities. Obviously, took advantage of the great par 5s playing them at 4 under, which is tricky. Some of these par 5s are tricky around here, but if you can do that, you can definitely go low.

Just playing smart and just playing the right shots. I mean, this is a course that doesn't really require a lot of distance, but it requires a lot of precision. So that's kind of where I was today.

Q. Did you feel like the course was kind of there for the taking this morning, just kind of benign conditions?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Personally, I never feel this course is there for the taking. There's so many angles, so many tough shots that you have to hit around here. Obviously, not having any wind helps, so it kind of frees you up a little bit more, but there's still lots of tough shots that you have to hit around this place.

You have to manage your way around it. I mean, obviously, like I said, I did drive fairly well, making some really key pars, and just taking advantage of the holes that you have to take advantage here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 17:33:00 GMT

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