RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. Alex, just assess your round, please.
ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it was -- I mean, I played pretty good, even from the start. I missed a couple greens just left of the green on 10 after a good drive. Two bogeys to start, and I was frustrated. Then got it going. Played good and hit it pretty close from -- where was that? Like on the par 5 there, 14. Then played really good on the front.

Didn't hit my driver very well, but the irons were good. Putting was unbelievable. I must have holed more putts than I have in a long, long time, which felt very nice. I was out with Gracey, who I play with a lot, and he was just shaking his head I was holing so much. Anyway, you've got to hole some if you don't hit it perfect off the tee, but overall pretty good.

Q. Did you feel like that course was maybe a little bit there for the taking this morning, kind of benign conditions?
ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it's so wet, ball is sticking on the greens. It doesn't spin, which helps as well. Hit some wedges that don't spin, just kind of throw them there.

I think in the morning the greens are even better than the afternoon, especially when you play like -- you know, you played late last night, practiced some putting after. You get here, and you're really much in it and used to the greens. I think it was easier today.

In the end, it started blowing a little bit. So it's going to be trickier this afternoon.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 17:49:00 GMT

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