RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. Jordan, have you heard the news about Nick Watney, and if you have, can I have your thoughts, please?
JORDAN SPIETH: I was just informed. Yeah, I mean, hopefully -- first of all, hopefully Nick's doing well and recovering. The whole plan put in place was, not if, but when somebody tests positive, what's the protocol, and what are the next steps? So I feel confident, just in being on those phone calls, in what the PGA TOUR's going to do going forward here, and hopefully contact tracing doesn't lead to anybody else testing positive within the bubble.

South Carolina's open. If you go anywhere to a restaurant, there's a lot of people there right now. So I guess that's probably best case is that he got it on his own outside.

But, yeah, again, it was not an if scenario. You've got to plan for it to happen, and hopefully it's very much contained. First of all, hopefully, Nick's doing well.

Q. Did you have any contact with him?
JORDAN SPIETH: Did I? No, I haven't seen Nick this week. I haven't seen him yet.

Q. And just about today's round, would you mind just talking about maybe the changing conditions. It seems like the winds came up in the afternoon.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it was certainly tougher. Some of those scores that were shot this morning, I just didn't -- and clearly nobody else saw this afternoon. But we also had the morning yesterday, and it was windier in the afternoon.

May have gotten a little bit of the tough end of the draw, but I don't think it was too bad. I didn't make anything today personally. That was a really poor putting round for me. I hit it all right. I didn't actually hit it -- I actually hit it pretty well minus one or two shots the whole day.

I just got a little bit off early in the round with the putter, and I left every single putt short. And any putt that I missed, it was essentially left short, or it was short range, and I just got to do a better job adjusting. It's just almost uncomfortably firm, with some of these mid range holes, you've got to hit them uncomfortably firm. In the afternoon, the grass starts to stand up a little bit, and they're extremely grainy. So I just didn't make the adjustment today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 21:15:00 GMT

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