RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes

Q. First of all, how do you feel about how you played? Obviously, a solid start for you?
BROOKS KOEPKA: It's all right. Like I played okay, nothing great. Putter's been pretty solid, except for the last hole. But, yeah, feel good.

Q. Obviously, the news about Nick Watney and his withdrawal today has sort of dominated the afternoon. Just when did you hear about it, and what is your reaction, and did you feel like, just given the state of the world maybe?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I found out when we were playing 17. I think Berger told me. He was talking to Claude for half a second, and Claude said he had tested positive. So I don't know too much about it. I mean, I saw him this morning. I was right next to him in the parking lot.

Q. Obviously, they've got protocols in place and plans for when this inevitability happened. Do you feel good about all the plans the TOUR has and the testing and the way they responded today?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, we're doing what we can as far as players, the TOUR -- everybody's doing what they can to make it safe for us, for everybody. We'll see what happens. Obviously, testing us every week, and we're filling out surveys every day.

We've got to see what happens. Hopefully -- it's unfortunate Nick got it, but at the same time, hopefully, it stays with just him and doesn't spread because I think we'll have a big issue on our hands if it keeps going as the weeks continue.

Q. There's been talk about social distancing and players maybe going out to eat. You usually bring a chef, right? Do you have your chef this week?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I've got everybody on lockdown. I brought my own weights. I basically brought my own gym with me.

Q. So you're not leaving the house?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I don't have to leave the house.

My chef's there. I've never left the house since we got to Fort Worth on Saturday. So nobody's had to leave.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 21:25:00 GMT

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