RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Sebastián Muñoz

Quick Quotes

Q. Sebastian, can you talk about your round, please?
SEBASTIÁN MUÑOZ: Yeah. Steady round, three birdies, two bogeys. Felt pretty good. Just putts didn't go in, didn't take advantage of the opportunities. Still overall feel pretty good about the round and moving on.

Q. Have you heard about Nick Watney testing positive, and what was your reaction?
SEBASTIÁN MUÑOZ: Yeah, I just did. Yeah, just what Rory was saying, like someone was going to get it eventually. There's just too many -- like this Island is just -- I don't know, there's just too many people hanging around. It's just a pandemic, you know. Like a lot of people get it, and eventually one of us was going to get it. I feel good that we caught it early with one guy so far. So hopefully, it doesn't rise up pretty quick.

Q. Were you in contact with Nick at all this week?
SEBASTIÁN MUÑOZ: No. I said hello to his caddie a couple times, Tony, but, no, we didn't even touch or anything. So I feel pretty confident that -- I mean, unless someone else got it from Nick that we don't know. So we'll have to wait and see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 21:50:00 GMT

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