RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Ian Poulter

Quick Quotes

Q. Ian, a little bit of a slow start to the round, but you battled back, got to 9 under par. Assess your day.
IAN POULTER: It was a really good finish, I think more than anything else. Birdies 4 of the last 5, and I didn't really do a lot wrong. I just made a couple of bogeys early and found it tricky with some of the pin positions and kind of the blustery wind that we had. So I knew it was a case of being patient, and I actually felt more comfortable today on the range hitting balls as a warmup after the work I did yesterday, after yesterday's round.

You know, I just had to stay patient. I was hitting decent shots. I felt good. I felt better today than I did yesterday. That's how silly this golf game can be sometimes.

Q. Also, the news came out that Nick Watney tested positive for COVID-19. When did you hear the news?
IAN POULTER: I just signed my card now and obviously signed the note on the board, on the table. So it's a shame. Obviously, this is why the protocols are in place, and this is why we're doing all the testing as soon as anyone gets to a venue. I think it's been exemplary so far, and to have as many people tested in the first two weeks on the PGA TOUR, and obviously, Nick to feel slightly unwell today, shows how good a job everyone has done so far.

It's inevitable it's going to happen, and obviously, it has happened today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-19 21:51:00 GMT

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