RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Tony Finau

Quick Quotes

Q. Some comments about your round today.
TONY FINAU: Yeah, my last two rounds, I bogeyed my first hole, so not the ideal start either day. But the golf course, I just tried to stay as patient as I could on. I was able to score super late today. I birdied my 9th hole after seven pars in a row, birdied my 10th, and kind of was on my way from there. Gained a little bit of momentum and was able to see some putts go in.

I was really happy with the round today, 3 under. It was a super slow day. I was 1 over for eight holes and then was able to turn things around kind of in the middle of my round.

Q. I know you didn't have much golf left before the horn blew. What was it like waiting for two hours and going back to finish up?
TONY FINAU: It was like twiddling my thumbs waiting for an announcement. I was happy to get it done today. With how I was playing, it kind of ensured I was probably going to play late morning or kind of early afternoon tomorrow. So it was nice to get some sleep. I would have had to come 7:00 a.m. in the morning and probably finish the -- to hit one putt. I was happy we were able to finish this evening.

Q. And during the supension, how much was Nick Watney a discussion topic among the players today?
TONY FINAU: Yeah, we all talked about him and talked about it. Look, I don't think we need to treat the coronavirus as like something that is bad that he has. I think it's just unfortunate that it was Nick Watney, but I feel like, as players, we knew most likely within the first few weeks somebody was going to come down with the coronavirus. It's that contaminated, it seems like.

Unfortunately, it was Nick, but we all are trying to do our best to follow the safety guidelines and what the TOUR has in place for us.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 00:02:00 GMT

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