RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Matthew Fitzpatrick

Quick Quotes

Q. Can we just get some comments about your round today.
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, really good, really solid round. Obviously, the birdie, bogey, birdie finish is quite nice after the delay, but, yeah, felt like I played solid. Just around the turn, it was a bit scrappy, but outside of that, it was good.

Q. And can you talk about the eagle?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, we're in between clubs, and we switched back to one that we thought might just get there. Yeah, I bulleted a low 7 wood and got up to about 20 feet and made it for eagle.

Q. You only had a couple holes left before the two-hour delay. How did that affect your game?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, obviously, you're always a bit wary because particularly I had some decent momentum. I was playing solid. You just sort of think, God, you've got three holes left and they're not exactly easy ones to finish with. So you could get a bit stiff, and then when you go on the range, you might feel a little bit different.

Fortunately, it was okay, and I managed to sort of keep the momentum going.

Q. And how much was Nick Watney a discussion during the break?
MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, I would say a little bit. We were sort of chatting about the whole thing anyway, but yeah, just, from what I heard, like his heart rate monitor picked it up, which is pretty impressive.

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