RBC Heritage

Friday, June 19, 2020

Brian Harman

Quick Quotes

Q. So here you are grinding to make the cut and then looking at a two-hour delay. Does that take any wind out of your sails?
BRIAN HARMAN: Not really man. I'm not worried about making cuts out here. I'm trying to get back in contention in the golf tournament, and if I'm not in contention, I'm trying to get my game ready to get in contention. So, yeah, the rain delay sucked, but it turned out fine.

Q. 67 today. It looked like the driver was treating you pretty well. Do you feel like your game's in good form?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, drove it better today. I didn't drive it well yesterday. That was kind of the bugaboo. I've been striking my irons really well. So it was nice to drive it a little bit better, hit a couple close shots. So try to get a couple low ones on the weekend.

Q. Was there much talk about the Watney situation? What was your reaction when you heard about it?
BRIAN HARMAN: Bummed for Nick. He's a good buddy. Wish him a speedy recovery. I hope Nick's all right, man. Yeah, I'll be thinking about him, and it sucks, man. It sucks. I don't know how bad his symptoms are or anything, but still having to -- first and foremost, I hope he's healthy. My heart breaks he's going to be on the rack for a couple weeks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 00:38:00 GMT

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