RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. J.T., just some comments on your round today.
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it's probably -- definitely, it's the worst 66 I've ever shot in my life. I hit it really well. I drove it really, really well. I hit my irons well, and I just couldn't get the ball in the hole.

I made some good putts early, had a chance to shoot 6 or 7 under on that front, hit a lot of quality shots, but just really read the greens poorly. Every time I felt like I had them read correctly, I didn't. But it was good to hit some really quality shots off the tee and into the green.

Q. Just talk a little bit about your reaction to the news yesterday about Nick.
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, obviously, I was bummed. I don't want to -- it's a shame because we did such a great -- and we have done such a great job these first two weeks. I mean, no offense to Hilton Head, but they're seeming to not take it very seriously. It's an absolute zoo around here. There's people everywhere. The beaches are absolutely packed. Every restaurant, from what I've seen when I've been driving by, is absolutely crowded. So I would say it's still coincidence that there's got to be a lot of stuff going on around here.

Unfortunately, that's not on Nick because I know he's very cautious and has done everything he can, but I would say a lot of people in this area of Hilton Head just aren't.

Q. Talk a little bit about the safety here at the course. Do you feel safe here at the course?
JUSTIN THOMAS: I feel very safe. I wouldn't be playing if I didn't. The TOUR has done all the protocols they can. Unfortunately, you can't control guys going to get something to eat or whatever it might be, if you're staying in a hotel or room service or whatever it might be. What I've done is I stay in a house with a chef each week with a couple of guys and keep it in that small circle. So I feel very, very safe in that regard.

Outside you can't control what other people have done, and I think that's what happened to Nick. He was very unlucky.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 16:48:00 GMT

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