RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Joaquin Niemann

Quick Quotes

Q. Joaquin, what a sensational front nine today, that score of 63, those six birdies. How did you get off to such a sensational start?
JOAQUIN NIEMANN: Yeah, I played pretty good. On the first nine, I thought I couldn't make birdie, and then I played really well. I hit a lot of good putters. I was playing really good since Thursday. Yeah, the first couple of days, I didn't score pretty good, but I think I was waiting for one low score. Now I think I'm ready for Sunday.

Q. First time playing in this tournament. How do you explain the success over the last three days, and hopefully more of it on Sunday?
JOAQUIN NIEMANN: Yeah, I really love this course. I remember last year I was going to play, and I went back to Chile for the Chilean Open. First time here, I really like the course. You've got fades, draws. It really fits me well because, off the tee, I can hit a draw and also my low fade that really fits well to this course. I feel pretty good on this course. I like it.

Q. Joaquin, you've had exceptional ball striking all three days, but Thursday and today were outstanding. The difference, 32 putts in the opening round, 25 today. What was the difference with the putter?
JOAQUIN NIEMANN: Yeah, I've been working hard on my putting. I start working for the perfect putt for almost like a year already now. I think I've seen a big difference. It's more consistent. Yeah, I've been feeling great with my putter since last week. Yeah, I couldn't make putts the first two days, but now I see all those putts drop in. So it was a pretty good day.

Q. You mentioned that, when you go into the final round in this kind of position, you get to play early, get some rest, but really seeing those putts drop, how much confidence does that give you to chase another PGA TOUR title?
JOAQUIN NIEMANN: Yeah, the course in the morning is in awesome shape. I love playing in the morning. It's fresh. It's not hot. The greens are perfect.

Yeah, I think for Sunday, just going to be playing the same game I've been playing the last few days. So, yeah, wait for Sunday and see how it goes.

Q. Lastly, you seem like a guy, even though this is your debut, that would really like this kind of venue. You like to move the golf ball, you like to maneuver it. On this style, do you feel this is really sort of a layout that brings out the best in what you like to do on links?
JOAQUIN NIEMANN: Yeah, this course is a lot of fun. You've got to hit every shot. When you miss a fairway here, to have a shot, you've got to have a lot of imagination. I like that. I like playing that golf.

Where I grew up, it's kind of like a similar style. It's tight, and you've got to move the ball. So, yeah, I feel good on this course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 17:27:00 GMT

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