RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Gary Woodland

Quick Quotes

Q. Just as a follow-up to the Watney situation yesterday. Could it feel like a bit of a Catch 22 where, if he's feeling symptoms yet he doesn't want to run the risk of getting tested, not having it, and missing out on an event, or is it better to play it safe -- be good to the other players, obviously, because it doesn't impact just that player, that kind of thing?
GARY WOODLAND: I think at this point, with who we have out here -- you have some older caddies out here, a lot of people out here, you have to err on the side of caution.

Nick Watney is one of the nicest guys we have on TOUR. I hear he feels horrendous that he might infect someone else, which definitely wasn't the intent at all. I feel horrible for him, wish him the best. But for anybody's case, you'd better play it safe.

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Rev #2 by #181 at 2020-06-20 18:20:00 GMT

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