RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chris Stroud

Quick Quotes

Q. Chris, 31 on the front. How did you get it rolling in this third round of the RBC Heritage?
CHRIS STROUD: I came in yesterday -- obviously, first tournament back in a while, so I've been resting a lot this week. Came in today seeing all the scores knowing how deep everybody was going to go, so I knew I needed to shoot -- my goal was to get to 15 under today just because I knew these guys were going to go out there and shoot 5, 6, 7 under. Webb Simpson set a pretty good pace yesterday.

Q. The putter seemed exceptional today, especially on the back. Put those three birdies together and shoot that 63. Got it rolling and excitement for tomorrow considering all the FedExCup points you could earn tomorrow.
CHRIS STROUD: Yeah, I'm excited. I hit the ball really nicely Thursday. Thursday and Friday, the putter was -- I was hitting some nice putts, but I was just barely misreading, barely mis-hitting. As tricky as it is to read some of these pin placements, I figured something out this morning, my caddie and I, and really made some good putts today.

Q. Chris, really good round today. What was working so well?
CHRIS STROUD: You know, honestly, the last three months has been a blessing for me, being home with my wife and my kids and just enjoying real life. It kind of gave me a good perspective coming into this week.

So I was very excited to be out here. Really the last couple of years, I've been battling some back issues and just trying to really figure out what makes me feel better, and this week so far, I felt very nice. I haven't had to practice too much, which has been good on my body. My golf swing coach has got me hitting it pretty good.

Q. What is it about your back that you feel like you discovered during quarantine?
CHRIS STROUD: Last August, first round of the FedEx up in New York, playing some incredible golf coming into the FedEx. I was super excited, maybe possibly for the first time, to get all the way to East Lake. First round, 8th hole, I hit a 5 iron out of the bunker, and it ripped my back apart. It took me months to get my back right. I have a small bulging disk, and I have some small inconsistencies or unparallel, I guess, muscle pulls, just tightness everywhere in the lower back. It took me months to get it right.

A lot of rehab, a lot of rest, and finally I'm able to play golf with no pain.

Q. And just to switch gears, I'm sure you heard the news about Nick Watney yesterday. What's your confidence level right now?
CHRIS STROUD: Honestly, I can't believe it. As careful as we're all being -- I mean, the TOUR has done an incredible job, I think, keeping everybody well aware of what's going on and what to do and how to do it and how to stay clean and keep your hands dry and all that. I can't believe he got inside the bubble and still got it. That just shows you how dangerous this is.

But Nick is a very healthy guy. Hopefully, he's going to be okay and recovers quickly.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 18:24:00 GMT

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