RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Matt Wallace

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess your round out there today?
MATT WALLACE: It was good. I think it was definitely there for the taking today. I think I was 3 under through nine holes and moved, so the scoring was low. But I played nice. I still haven't holed the putts that I'd like to have holed, but it's nice, and we're consistent this week.

Q. Maybe not holing the putts a little bit, I know the green is a lot different from April to June here, and the Bermuda green has taken over. Is that maybe part of it?
MATT WALLACE: Absolutely. I just said today walking up, I never leave putts short. I very rarely leave putts short. I left four or five that have been dead online short. That's the difference. If I hole those, we're probably putting how I feel like my best putting. So the greens definitely affect that. Hopefully tomorrow, I can hit it a little bit harder.

Q. I know you missed the cut last week. Is there sometimes something you can take out of a missed cut that can help you the following week?
MATT WALLACE: Massively. It's well documented I didn't play very well the end of last year and the start of this year, change of equipment to Callaway. That break has given me a lot of time to work on my game and work on the clubs. Last week this is the best ball striking I've ever done tee to green. I've added length. So I took a lot of confidence from that.

I didn't play as aggressive as I wanted to last week, so I took into this week I wanted to play a little bit more aggressive. It's put me in good stead. I'm hitting it -- probably not as nice as last week, but I'm hitting it just okay. I'm in a good place.

Q. How much confidence does that give you that maybe you're not striking as well as last week, but the scores are showing.
MATT WALLACE: It's strange, isn't it? It's a strange game. Last week I felt like I should have been 10 under through two rounds, but I was level par. This week I feel like I should be level par through two rounds, but I'm 6 under.

You know what, I'm really positive. I'm really happy and excited where my game's at, with way more than what I was before. Maybe I was lying to myself a little bit before, whereas now I actually feel it. Yeah, in good space.

Q. It was documented last week that you went out over the weekend and followed Rory around watching him play. What was kind of the main reason for that, and is there something that you were able to take out of watching him play a little golf?
MATT WALLACE: Yeah, it was him and Xander. They were playing together. It was quite a cool group to watch. When can you watch the world No. 1 and another top ten player in the world with no crowd there? Firstly, I'd like to go and see what that's like, and secondly, I'd like to watch the best player in the world play.

Just both of them, both of their aura, their characteristics, their charisma on the golf course is something to learn from. Yeah, just seeing Rory hit his driver and his iron play -- even though he didn't play well that day or scored well, it's still -- you can still see that he's the best player in the world.

Q. Lastly, obviously, with Nick Watney testing positive yesterday for COVID-19, amongst the players, obviously, inside the bubble, has the attitude changed? Anything you've seen that's changed the last 24 hours?
MATT WALLACE: Not really, just talking about it. I heard Charley Hoffman was texting him, and he said he had no symptoms. Just didn't feel good, and his WHOOP showed irregularities of his heart rate overnight, so he went and got himself tested, and he found himself positive.

As long as all the lads and the girls around and the caddies are doing the right thing, then we'll be fine.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 18:49:00 GMT

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