RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Carlos Ortiz

Quick Quotes

Q. Carlos, 8-under 63 with two eagles on the front. What is it about your game and this golf course that's allowing you to go so low?
CARLOS ORTIZ: I don't know. I've been playing great. I struggled last week and a little bit during the beginning of the week putting the ball in the fairway. I felt, if I had put the ball in the fairway, I had a good chance of making birdie pretty much every hole, and that's what I've been doing the last two rounds, especially today. I think I put myself in great positions. I hit a lot of like wedges, so you can get it close to the hole. I've been putting great. It's been working.

Q. Carlos, how did you manage to eagle both of the par 5s on the front nine today?
CARLOS ORTIZ: The first one I hit a great shot, hit a great drive, and I had like a 7 iron, and I just pulled it a little bit. I was like maybe 15 feet left of the hole but on the fringe. So it was an easy chip. So I got it to go in. The other one, I just hit a great 3 wood for like six, seven feet up the hill, so it was an easy eagle. I think I've been putting it in position, so I'm happy with the way it's going.

Q. Tomorrow in search of your first victory on the PGA TOUR. How do you feel about Sunday at the RBC Heritage?
CARLOS ORTIZ: I feel great. I feel like, if you put it in the fairway in a good position off the tee, you're going to have great chances.

Q. Carlos, just talk a little bit about your 8-under par round out there. How would you assess your play out here today?
CARLOS ORTIZ: It was great. Pretty much textbook. I put myself in position off the tee, and after that you've got short irons into these greens. They're soft, so it's pretty much throwing darts out there. It felt great. I feel great on the greens, and that's always good.

Q. A lot of low scores today. When you went out there today, did you feel like the course was there for the taking?
CARLOS ORTIZ: Yeah, the last three days, it's been soft conditions. A little bit windy yesterday afternoon, but if you put yourself in position off the tee, you have a great chance of hitting it close.

Q. Searching for your first win. What might be the one key you'll take from tomorrow from something in your past successes that might help you get that first win?
CARLOS ORTIZ: Just take patience. Just do your best. There's nothing else. Worry about what you can control. Other stuff is out of your hands. So just focus on where you want to hit it, what you want to do, and that's all you can do.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 19:07:00 GMT

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