RBC Heritage

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Daniel Berger

Quick Quotes

Q. Daniel, you birdied half the holes today, including that fantastic putt on the 18th to close it out.
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I played well today. I hung in there. But overall, pretty satisfied with the way I played. I don't necessarily think I'll be leading after today, but I think, obviously, it was a step in the right direction to have a chance for tomorrow.

Q. How much is your play this week a by-product of everything that happened for you last week with your victory on the PGA TOUR?
DANIEL BERGER: It definitely freed me up a little bit. Obviously, a lot of good things happen when you win, and you get into tournaments that I wasn't in before. Obviously, there's also some confidence that comes with that. So just kind of been playing good golf, and I continued another good round today.

Q. How much fun is it on a course like this to get the putts to drop and shoot a really low score?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, it's great. I feel like I learned a lot last year. I played well the first couple days and didn't have a great weekend. I've got a great game plan for the golf course. If you hit a lot of fairways, you get a lot of birdie opportunities.

Q. Daniel, another fantastic day on top of the leaderboard right now at 14 under. How would you assess your round out there?
DANIEL BERGER: You know, I struck it way better today than I did the first two days, and then I putted it better. So a combination of hitting it better and putting better is just a better round for me.

Q. Obviously, this is two straight weeks of really playing well, obviously the winner last week. Do you remember a time when you kind of had it cooking on all cylinders like this for this long?
DANIEL BERGER: No, actually, I don't think I've ever played this consistent for this amount of time, but even leading up to it during the time when we were getting ready for the Charles Schwab Invitational, my game was really solid. So this is a month or two of really solid golf.

I feel like I've got a great plan in order to get prepared and play well every week.

Q. You played well here for a couple rounds last year. You didn't have the weekend you wanted. What is it about this golf course that seems to fit your game and how you're playing right now?
DANIEL BERGER: It's a lot of bullet tee shots off the tee. There's a priority on hitting fairways, and that's what I've done. Like I said, if you make a few putts here and there, you're going to have a great round.

Q. You've had your Uncle Carl here cooking for you again this week. Does the cooking help out?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, it's definitely more comfortable to come home and have dinner ready. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day the last two weeks. You've got to give him credit for that.

Q. How much do you take winning last week, when you go into tomorrow, that confidence has to come with that knowing that you did it one week ago. Why not again?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, it definitely gives you a freer mindset when you just won last week. I don't know if 14 under is going to be winning at the end of the day, but I needed to play a good round to be in contention, and I did that. So I'm happy with the performance today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #181 at 2020-06-20 19:43:00 GMT

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